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Single Tenant Properties

KTS provides Infrastructure Audits to help Executives save money by optimizing their current infrastructure assets. The Infrastructure Audits also clearly identify potential risks present in the property infrastructure for the Executive team.

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Comcast Tower

KTS provided business development relationship consulting with Comcast for Tyco Electronics --AMP Netconnect that created the cabling infrastructure win for the first headquarters building and other high-density data center gear projects.


AOL Time Warner Center

KTS provided infrastructure consulting for Tyco Electronics's Onesource, which won the communications infrastructure contract for the AOL Time Warner Center.  KTS provided infrastructure marketing, designed pricing for end user UCaaS and IAAS services, and provided business development for the 60 retail spaces and the high-end residences over a year of engagement in one of the country's top technology properties.

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Liberty Property Trust

KTS provided layer one infrastructure consulting regionally for Liberty Property Trust's tri-state properties and for the land they owned.  KTS helped Liberty outmaneuver its competition by highlighting, certifying, and documenting its properties' outstanding attributes.  KTS helped Liberty Property get to lease execution faster. 

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200 South 12th Street

KTS is providing network connectivity consulting for the property owner.  We are working with all parties supporting and navigating the construction processes for the technology requirements and demands of this fantastic project.

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